Getting pulled over by a police officer is always a stressful situation, but when you’ve been drinking it’s significantly worse. Whether you feel that you’ve had too much to drink or not, there are three key things you need to do when you’ve been pulled over to help avoid a DUI charge. The average cost of a DUI in the United States is about $10,000 — after court fees, DUI attorney fees, and fines. Here’s what you need to do when you’re pulled over.
1. Be Cordial
Some people automatically feel compelled to be on the defense when they get pulled over by the police, but you should always resist this urge. You are required by law to provide the officer with your driver’s license and your registration, so don’t try to flee or argue. Speak to the officer calmly and clearly, and be cooperative with his or her requests.
2. Refuse Sobriety Tests
Though you are required to show your license and registration to police, you are not required to submit to any sobriety tests. There are a few different types of sobriety tests used — chemical tests (like blood and urine), a breathalyzer test, and field sobriety tests (like walking in a straight line or the horizontal gaze test. Laws for driving under the influence do generally vary by state but typically, you do not legally have to submit to a test. Keep in mind, however, that this can come with penalties.
3. Call a Lawyer as Soon as Possible
If you suspect that you may be facing a charge, you need to call a DUI defense lawyer as soon as possible. Aside from the $10,000 price tag, you could also face jail time and license suspension — as well as a number of social consequences that come with the stigma of having been charged with a crime. Make sure that you find and hire a DUI defense lawyer in the jurisdiction you were charged in.
Have you ever been charged with a DUI or had to go through the DUI trial process? Feel free to share your experience and advice with us in the comments section below.