Assault and battery charges can be easily confused by people. Criminal charges are nothing to mess with. It’s important to understand the difference between the two.
The definition of assault and battery will change depending on location. Different areas have different meanings for each term. The penalties for each charge will also change based on circumstances and location. But, generally, assault is a threat to do a person harm. Battery is using force against someone else with the intent to do harm without permission. Battery is usually causing harm, while assault is the threat of causing harm.
The penalty for each of these varies based on what happened in the situation. Hiring good assault attorney services can help lessen the penalties. While hiring the wrong attorney, may lead to longer time served for the crime. Roughly 10,000 people in the United States could be wrongly convicted of serious crimes every year. The time served by innocent people adds up. It?s estimated that almost four thousand years have been served in prison by someone who is innocent. This is why obtaining the highest level of legal representation available is so important. Serving additional time for an assault or battery charge can be avoided with the right assault attorney.
Assault and battery charges will also depend on the people and weapons involved. Verbal assault will also be treated differently than physical assault. The intent behind the act is also taken into consideration. If harm was intended, that will be treated in a different way than accidental injury. The charges will change based on what happened at that specific time and place. The offense might be treated as a misdemeanor or a felony. That?s why talking to a lawyer that will work hard for you makes all the difference. Finding legal representation who will use the best tactics for the proceedings help clients from uncalled for penalties.
Many people have been convicted of a crime. Around 68 million people in the United States have a criminal record. Avoid unnecessary risk with good assault attorney services. The degrees of assault will also depend on the harm done and the weapons used. There are defenses to assault and battery charges. A highly respected lawyer will be able to deal with someone?s specific case, an a compassionate lawyer will be able to understand the reasoning and circumstances.