If you’ve been in a car accident, you may have many questions. For example, you might ask do I need an attorney for a car accident? Generally speaking, talking with a lawyer is a smart move.
If you’ve so far been found at fault for a car accident, a lawyer can look through your case to see if there is a way to reduce fault. This could save money when it comes to insurance and fines.
If you’re not at fault for the car accident, a lawyer can also help you recoup costs. Beyond the costs to repair your vehicle, you may also need to pay expensive medical bills and the like. You might find a free accident attorney who will only collect money after your court case has been resolved. The personal injury attorney will potentially be paid by the other party.
Finding a free car accident attorney is a smart idea after an accident. If you find a car accident lawyer who changes the outcome of your case, it could change the trajectory of your life. Car accident injuries are often no minor matter and you may be facing hefty rehabilitation costs. You might also miss work and lose wages.
Keep all of the above in mind if you’ve recently been in a car accident.
When a person is involved in a serious road accident involving a truck collision, the best thing to do is to contact a truck accident attorney immediately. When filing a claim based on negligence, the claimant needs to file the lawsuit within a certain allowable time limit known as a statute of limitations.
Many accident victims procrastinate too long and lose their chances to file claims that could amount to significant monetary compensation. Procrastination is the arch enemy of filing a lawsuit, so it is imperative that the victim contact a truck accident attorney about the situation without any further delays.
Compassion for the Injured Person and Family Members
A compassionate truck accident attorney recognizes the need for an injured person to take time for the psychological healing process to take root. Once the victim feels capable of meeting with an experienced lawyer, the initial meeting is free of any charges. In addition, the person involved in a truck accident injury never needs to pay a truck accident attorney up front. Instead, all charges take place only when and if the lawyer wins the case.
A Victim Does Not Owe Legal Fees Unless An Attorney Wins
It does not matter whether the attorney reaches a settlement in or out of a court of law. The important thing is that the victim does pay any legal fees unless the lawyer reaches a successful agreement with the opposing party. It is only at that time a the victim reimburses the truck accident attorney for an amount that is agreed upon during the initial consultation.
Do Not Waive Legal Rights to Receive Monetary Compensation
People who wait too long to find out if they have potential lawsuits may waive their legal rights to receive monetary compensation. In the meantime, the injured person may not have the ability to work at a job that puts food on the table and pays for mortgage payments. Contacting a truck accident attorney can help the victim pay for medical bills, utility bills and food for his or her family.
Each Case is a Unique and Separate Entity
When the topic turns to filing a lawsuit against the party who is responsible for causing a substantial injury. Every case is different. A person involved in a road collision needs to call an honest and reputable truck accident attorney who listens to the details of each injury. After the accident attorney hears the evidence, a decision is made as to whether the attorney is willing to accept the case and file a lawsuit against the person who is responsible for causing the accident.
The Victim Does Not Receive a Guarantee
If the truck accident attorney accepts the case, it is important to remember that there is never any guarantee. The attorney keeps the claimant informed about the progress of the case, but the lawyer does not promise a settlement. If an agreeable settlement takes place, the victim pays a truck accident attorney the specified percentage for past services rendered.