Did you hear the one about the lawyer? Yes. Everyone has heard the joke about the lawyer. While we all like to have a good laugh at the law profession’s expense, its essential to have a good legal representative on your team when you’re in a pinch.
The reasons you might find yourself in need of a legal representative grows every day. The number of people filing bankruptcy today is 600% higher than it was just 10 years ago. Over the last two decades, the occurrences of serious accidents involving commercial truck drivers has grown by 20%. Over 90% of those wrecks were a result of human error in which compensation was due to the victim. Having a good lawyer on your side in delicate situations like personal bankruptcy or personal injury claims could be the single reason that your case is successful. If you find yourself in a situation that requires a legal representative, here are some qualities to look for in a lawyer:
References. If your legal representative has good track record, it is a sign that your case will be handled well. You can get a sense of the past cases a lawyer has worked on from legal referral websites that provide reviews and references for lawyers, or you can ask for references from past clients. If your lawyer provides references from past clients, its acceptable to ask for both negative and positive experiences, to ensure they are not biased.
Empathy and Compassion. Many legal situations have extremely stressful and emotional implications. You want a lawyer who can use sensitivity while navigating the circumstances to get all of the necessary information while showing care for everyone involved. Also, having a lawyer who cares about your future and well-being will help ensure that the legal guidance you receive is in your best interest.
Communication Skills. One of the primary responsibilities of your legal representative is to collect information from a number of sources and present it in a light that supports your case. As such, having a lawyer with good communication skills will be critical while gathering details and conveying an argument that will give you the best possible outcome in the situation.
Accessibility. Make sure you are able to contact your legal representative any time you have pertinent information or need guidance. The last position you want to be in is waiting days or weeks for your lawyer to get back in touch with you when you have an urgent matter regarding your case.
Likability. You will have to work closely with your lawyer throughout the legal proceedings. If you have good rapport from the beginning, it will contribute to a strong relationship and trust level, which will result in a better outcome.
If you find a lawyer who has these attributes, you will be more likely to have a positive experience and less likely to be the punchline in the joke about the lawyer.
Have you ever had to hire lawyer? What qualities did you look for in your lawyer and how was your experience? Please leave us a comment with the details!