You have stood in front of your home on several occasions and willed the people driving down your street to slow down. On several occasions, in fact, you have even gone so far as to call these words out to the drivers who race through your neighborhood with reckless abandon.
For as many times as you have witnessed the speeders flying by your home, however, you never imagined that you or someone in your family would be the victim of this careless driving.
That all changed last summer.
As your two children were playing out in the front yard they lost control of the soccer ball that they had been kicking back and forth. You watched as your 12 year old daughter looked both ways and then ran across the street to reclaim the escaped ball. Just as she was returning to safety, a speeding car crested the small hill, flew past the front of your home, and knocked your daughter over. Fortunately, your daughter’s flying body landed on the grass, away from the car. Her landing though, and the impact with the car, left her lying in a heap in your yard. The careless driver sped away with his eyes on his phone and stereo blaring, without even knowing the damage he had caused.
Although your focus was on dialing 911 and getting to your daughter, your 10 year old son had the presence to get the most of the license plate numbers on the car. By evening, your daughter had been treated at the hospital and the police had been able to track down the driver of the car. Fortunately, your daughter would be alright, but both her right arm and right leg were now in casts and the doctors were predicting that she would need to stay in the hospital for at least a week. The doctors also anticipated months of rehabilitation work, including both physical and occupational therapy before the physical damage would be repaired. The mental ramifications, they warned, could take longer. The counselors predicted that it would be some time before the emotional trauma of the accident subsided.
Settlement Cases for Personal Injury Accidents Can be Complicated and Confusing
If you or a loved one has been injured in a personal injury accident you will likely find yourself in need of legal advice. Truck accident lawyers, motorcycle accident attorneys, and personal injury lawyer teams often are necessary. For while you attend to the healing process and the needed doctors appointments you likely have little energy left for the legal meetings and the required follow up. In most cases, it is important to find someone who is well versed in settlement cases for personal injury and let them do their jobs. Although you may at times find yourself grateful that things are not worse, your legal team can take care of the necessary requirements for the rather complicated settlement cases for personal injury.
Understanding the needed information in preparing settlement cases for personal injury accidents can be challenging. Especially if you are the victim of an accident that could take years to recover from, you may need to look to outside counsel to make sure that you are thorough in your anticipation of the various costs that are involved. For adults, the costs can also include loss of wages if you have to be off work for an extended time, as well as the cost of any renovations you may need to make to your home to accommodate a wheelchair, crutches, or other necessary items.
Consider some of these facts about personal injury accidents:
- Only 4% to 5% of the personal injury cases in the U.S. ever go to trial.
- 95% to 96% of personal injury cases are settled pretrial.
- Every two minutes, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash.
- An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before the first arrest.
- Engaging in visual-manual subtasks, like reaching for a phone, dialing, or texting, are associated with the use of hand-held phones and other portable devices increase the risk of getting into a crash by three times.
- 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving at any given daylight moment in America.