As the holiday season arrives, there are a number of families who are looking for legal help. From immigrant parents who have been separated at the border from their children to workers who are looking for a way to legally remain in the country so they can keep sending money home to their families, today’s immigration news is complicated. Deportation defense attorneys may be the most busy as so many people are attempting to stay in this country and make their holidays happy one.
From business immigration lawyers who are working with employers to deportation defense attorneys who are searching for ways to keep workers in this country, the immigration landscape is one that is both scary and shifting. At the very same time that families in America are preparing to celebrate the most treasured holiday traditions, there are many parents trying to make their way into this country who simply want to be reunited with their children.
Can You Imagine Being Separated from Your Children This Holiday Season?
If you set aside the national debate about immigration, perhaps you can relate to the despair that parents might feel when they are away from their children. Even if you do not want to believe all of the news coverage about how these families have been torn apart, it is difficult to not feel the pain of the parents who are doing everything within their power to spend the holidays with their children. Whether they are separated by the corder between two countries are separated by jail cells, the ache of a parent’s heart surely gets worse as the holiday season approached.
Work visas and other paperwork provided by deportation defense attorneys offer some hope to parents who are trying to not only keep their families together, but also earn a livable wage and provide a safe home. While politicians battle with each other over immigration law they still get to come home to their families en the evenings and on the weekends. The immigrants themselves, however, do not have those same advantages. Fleeing a country where danger is around every corner, it should come as no surprise that even as immigrants decide to voluntarily leave some family members. The forced separation of parents from children at the border earlier this year, however, was not one they were ready for.