Being a victim of domestic violence is one of the most confusing and difficult issues an individual can go through. When a whirlwind of doubt and financial struggles threaten to pull you under, an assault attorney is a resource you can count on to get you back on your feet again. From filing a restraining order to organizing child custody, a compassionate lawyer can walk you through each step of the way.
What Is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is an ongoing pattern of abuse carried by a spouse or significant other. While this abuse can be physical, it can also be emotional and mental. Children who live in homes with ongoing domestic violence are known to also suffer abuse at rates ranging from 30% to 60% year after year. Studies have shown two out of three female homicide cases being linked to either a family member or intimate partner at the time. Fear of retaliation or escalating violence is a common and understandable fear in light of a domestic violence charge, one that a caring lawyer can address and resolve.
How Is Domestic Violence In The United States?
Ongoing studies have been rigorously conducted by multiple focus groups in an attempt to gauge the severity of domestic violence in the United States. It’s estimated one in four women will experience a form of domestic violence during her lifetime, with more than three million children witnessing domestic violence in their homes on a yearly basis. Domestic violence not only includes abuse, but child custody, property distribution, restraining orders and mental wellness.
What About Drunk Driving?
Domestic violence can cross over with other violent behavior, as well. Each day people will collectively drive drunk almost 300,000 times — only 4,000 or so, however, will actually be arrested for a DUI or OVI. The average drunk driver has driven drunk around 80 times before their first arrest and over 68 million people in the country are living with a criminal record.
Who Can Help Me With A Domestic Violence Charge?
If you are struggling with ongoing domestic violence and are seeking resources to get you out of this situation, contacting a domestic violence attorney is the first step you need to take. Considering the very real threat of escalated violence when seeking a charge, a lawyer can provide you with all the resources you need to get you to a safer place. A highly respected lawyer will be able to gather evidence, question witnesses and provide you with legal fallback in light of a conviction. Visit a legal firm today and ask how they can help you.