Work in the maritime industry can be challenging and dangerous. For seamen, longshoremen, and those working on oil rigs, life can be difficult and the possibility of injury is a real one. Accidents, falls and employer negligence can all have serious consequences for the individual. Over the years, a number of laws have put into place protections for workers in the maritime industry. Maritime injury lawyers can help to determine if a case can be filed as well as the amount of compensation due.
Maritime injury laws protect workers? rights
Life at sea has always been difficult and challenging. The rewards are great, but so are the dangers. For seamen on boats and ships, longshoremen working on docks and in warehouses, and for oil rig workers, accidents and injuries are a real possibility. Injuries can be caused by falls, accidents, malfunctioning equipment, negligence by employers or co-workers, among other factors.
Over the years, a number of laws have been put into place to protect the rights of those injured in maritime accidents. These include the Jones Act or Merchant Marine Act of 1920, which covers seamen who work on board maritime vessels. The Longshore and Harbor Workers? Compensation Act covers maritime workers who work in harbors and docks, rather than on board ships. The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act covers workers on oil rigs and platforms and other permanent structures on the continental shelf regions.
Finding a maritime injury lawyer
For anyone who has suffered an injury under these categories, the first step should be to consult a maritime injury lawyer. A maritime injury attorney can help determine if there is a case and represent injured workers or their families. Often law firms with litigation attorneys, business attorneys and personal injury lawyers can help those who have been injured in the maritime industry as well.
A maritime injury lawyer can help you fight for the full compensation to which you are entitled. This may include compensation for lost wages, medical expenses and pain and suffering. Families of workers killed in maritime accidents are entitled to compensation and can find help from a firm of maritime injury lawyers.
Work in the maritime industry is vital for our society as a whole. It is also difficult and dangerous. The rights of workers in the maritime industry are protected by a number of laws, which also define the kinds and amount of compensation for injuries sustained on the job. Maritime injury lawyers can help workers or their dependents to file claims and to argue their cases in court if necessary.