Legal advice isn’t always easy to come by.
Laws are always being tweaked to stay relevant to the times. What could constitute a more lax crime in one state could be more serious in the next. When you’ve been in a car crash, your first question is probably not about legal advice, but about everything. How are you going to handle your medical bills, car insurance claims, and all the missed time at work? When you feel like you’re drowning in all your concerns, a personal injury legal team can help you approach it step-by-step.
Car accident lawyers specialize in legal areas related to car crashes, up to and including the core reason. Learn more about the causes of car accidents in the States and the benefits of having a legal professional on your side.
Fast Facts About Today’s Car Accident Statistics
Your average car accident lawyer has seen it all before. There are over six million car accidents every year in the United States alone, with an estimated one and a half million people dying in crashes around the globe. The U.S. Department Of Justice has found motor vehicle accidents to comprise a little over half of all personal injury cases, to boot. A single car crash can yield a thousand questions, from the mental state of the driver to possible vehicle negligence. Answering these correctly is best done with legal advice that knows your state’s laws inside and out.
Drunk Driving Can Be Addressed With Legal Help
Do you suspect drunk driving to be involved in your crash? Legal services can redirect you to a car accident lawyer that specializes in drunk driving charges. The standard BAC (blood alcohol content) for drunk driving in most states is 0.08%, with the exception of Utah in 0.05%. Being under the influence of legal drugs, illegal drugs, and over-the-counter medication is also grounds for a drunk driving charge. Determining a drunk driving charge may include interrogating witnesses.
Drowsy Driving Is A Punishable Crime
Drunk driving is just one of the many possibilities that could be at the center of your crash. Drowsy driving is an increasingly common problem that can see a multiple car pile-up. Defined as a driver falling asleep at the wheel, or just struggling to stay awake, drowsy driving can be a punishable crime. Whether or not this incident occurred on-the-clock will also change the types of services you receive. You might be qualified to apply for workers’ compensation to help with medical bills and paid leave.
Distracted Driving Is Becoming More Common
Last, but not least, we have distracted driving. This incident claimed nearly 3,500 lives in the year 2015 alone. It’s a form of irresponsible behavior defined by attempting to text, talk on the phone, eat, drink, or talk to others in the backseat while operating a vehicle. It takes just a split second of compromised attention to get into an irreversible accident. Talk to your personal injury legal team about the repercussions of distracted driving in your state. This relatively recent legal term is always evolving.
Important Questions To Ask Your Personal Injury Legal Team
Your personal injury legal team is eager to help get you out of this mess. It’s important to write down a list of questions so you don’t overlook anything important on your way to a resolution. Contrary to popular belief, most personal injury cases in the country don’t see a courtroom — according to recent statistics, just 5% will go to trial. Ask your car accident lawyers about unique state laws and how they can help you file the most accurate car insurance claim. Don’t be afraid to ask for additional services, such as an interpreter or a mediator.
Legal advice is ready and waiting. Reach out to your personal injury law firm this week and get started on the path to a conclusion.