This video discusses the process for filing a car crash lawsuit or car crash personal injury claim. It goes on to discuss the process for finding car accident attorneys. Once you retain car accident attorneys, you fill out an intake form with pertinent information about you and the accident.
The attorney will begin an investigation that includess photos of the accident site. If you have any photos already or any other information, you should share it with your attorney because it is helpful to them while putting together your case. It can make a significant difference in winning or losing the case, especially when it comes to determining liability and fault. If you sustained injuries as a result of the accident, take a photo of them. This is critical if it is an injury that will go away. If there are any witnesses, your car accident attorneys are going to want to speak to them as soon as possible to get their statements. All of the details about how the accident occurred are going to be important to your attorney, and you want to share everything you have and remember.