Many people do not realize that hiring an attorney to help them with criminal defense is a benefit and not an omission of guilt. Some individuals feel if they hire an attorney to help them with an impending case such as assault or facing drug crimes, then a jury or other individuals will view them as guilty. However, having an attorney is a preventative measure more than anything. Attorneys can help their clients argue for a lighter sentence or even prove their innocence if that is the case. An attorney can help put facts into perspective for the judge, and keep a prosecutor from twisting words around. Below are three reasons why hiring an attorney is the best choice an individual can make when they are facing charges, and how their attorney can help them get the best possible sentence.
Attorneys Can Assist Clients Who Have Multiple Charges by Having One or More of the Charges Dropped
For people who are looking at multiple charges in a sentence, a skilled attorney can help them by having some of the charges dropped. This could apply to any number of situations, such as a DWI where the client has multiple charges including driving with under the influence, and failing to update the secretary of state with a new address. The attorney can help the client have the lessor charge dropped, so they are only dealing with sentencing related to the DWI. This might not seem like much, but it can mean lower fees for the client to pay and less charges appearing on their record. In an instance such as this, the attorney can argue for lighter sentencing, meaning less or no jail time, or having the defendant perform community service as an alternative way of dealing with charges.
A Skilled Attorney Can Help Clients Who Have Assault Charges in Cases of Self-Defense
For clients who are facing charges related to assault, an attorney can calmly and rationally explain the matter to the judge and court if this was an instance of self-defense, or if the defendant truly believed they were in danger of being harmed. For individuals who have weapons offenses, the attorney can work with them and look for reduced charges if the weapons were used in self-defense during the assault, or if the individual using them was licensed. Because having to deal with the other party while in court can bring about a wide range of emotions, letting the attorney examine the defendant and show their side of the story is more beneficial than trying to maintain composure under difficult circumstances. The attorney can also ask for lighter charges that do not involve jail time, such as giving up weapons or going under house arrest. While these are not the most glamorous options, they are still better than dealing with a prison sentence.
Attorneys Can Provide Assistance for Clients Who Are Undergoing Criminal Defense Trials
Attorneys are often skilled in knowing what other resources are available to clients, and suggesting these in lieu of jail within their sentences. For individuals who are being charged with a DWI, this might involve going to an Alcoholics Anonymous group. Those with assault charges could be directed to an anger management group, and so on. Attorneys can also explain to clients what their options most likely will be, or if jail time has even been called for, thereby giving them a better understanding of what they are up against. This makes it easier for the client to understand, rather than trying to predict the judge?s actions on their own.
There are many different benefits to having an attorney rather than trying to represent oneself. Attorneys can work to get charges dropped, especially when a client faces multiple charges. This reduces the sentence and makes it lighter. They can also argue on behalf of clients who are undergoing assault charges or those related to weapons, and make the point of self-defense. Finally, attorneys are usually knowledgeable on resources or alternative sentencing, such as joining a recovery group. Having an attorney can make all the difference in staying out of jail.