There are a few things that people really never hope or want to need. One of those things is the needs to deal with a bail bonds company. The problem is that if you like in the United States, there is a very good chance that you will need to deal with a bail bond service for yourself or someone you care about at some point.
More than half of all American men, or at least 52%, will be arrested at least once, according to new statistics. In 2011, the journal, “Pediatrics,” released a report showing that nearly one third of all Americans are arrested before they reach the age of 23. Moreover, the number of people who have needed bail bonds services went up by 30% between 1990 and 2006, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. It should be noted that the last year bail statistics were released was 2006. Almost 12 million people were processed through jails between June 2010 and June 2011.
For most people, being arrested is a terrifying experience. There are few things that are more frightening and stressful. If you are in that situation, you may not know what to do. If you are thinking about the question, “why do you need bail?” you should know that there are some very good reasons for going to a bail bondsman to get out of jail as soon as you can. Here are some reasons to go to a bail bond agency to get out of jail:
- You can get a good lawyer. While you may think that you can get in touch with defense lawyers when you are in jail, it is very hard to do that. You can talk to your public defender, who may be the person who can help you but if you have a complicated case or if you want to be able to look into different defense attorneys, talking to them in person will make a big difference. By talking to a bail bondsman and getting out, you can do the work you need to do to get the right lawyer.
- You can better prepare your case. People may tell you that you can do whatever you need to do for your case from jail. Those people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Your access to the phone, to information and to your sanity is severely limited when you are in jail. There may be things you can do to prepare for your case when you are free but you will be very limited in what you can do from jail. This may be one of the most important reasons to seek out the help of a bail bondsman.
- You can do your job. Many people who are in jail are not able to keep their jobs. If that sounds like you, you will want to talk to a bail bondman as soon as you can so you can get out of jail as quickly as possible. Many employers are not willing to let a person’s job go undone while they are in jail. Sometimes, people even lose their jobs when they have to be in the hospital. If you have a job that you do not want to lose, talking to a bail bondsman and getting your freedom is something you need to do.
- You can get your arrangements in order. If there is any chance that you are going to have to spend an expended period of time in jail, you will need some time to get your affairs in order. If you have children or pets, you can make sure they will be cared for while you are in jail.
- You will keep your sanity. Most people do not enjoy the time they spend in jail. There are exceptions to that rule but it is not a pleasant experience. The time you spend in jail should be shortened if you can.
No one wants to need to call a bail bondsman or be arrested. It may feel like the end of the world as you know it but you can survive the ordeal if you do what you need to do.