If you’ve been arrested for drunk driving for the first time, then you will probably run through a range of complicated emotions — anger, bitterness, embarrassment, and even fear of the consequences yet to come. Not only can a DUI charge result in expensive fines, community service, a suspended driver’s license, and even jail time, but it can also come with a heavy social stigma as well.
Many U.S. citizens charged with a DUI for the first time blew just over the legal blood alcohol content limit of 0.08%. If that sounds familiar, then you know that many people genuinely thought that they were safe to drive home when they got pulled over or caught in a DUI checkpoint. On the other hand, severe and chronic drunk drivers are often arrested multiple times with BAC levels two or three times the legal limit. And the vast majority of fatal drunk driving car crashes involve drivers who test far, far above the legal limit.
Unfortunately for you, it doesn’t matter if you blew a 0.08% or were caught swigging from a flask behind the wheel, you’ve already been charged with a DUI. The most important thing you can do now is find the best DUI lawyers in your city or state to represent you. But how do you know you’re working with only the best DUI lawyers?
The best DUI lawyers understand that getting charged with a DUI doesn’t make you a bad person. Plenty of good Americans make mistakes. If you made the decision to get behind the wheel when you shouldn’t have, then you deserve to work with DUI attorneys who understand where you’re coming from, who won’t judge you for your mistakes. Because if your drunk driving lawyer won’t trust you, then how can you trust them to represent you on your day in court?
Getting arrested for your first DUI doesn’t have to be the end of the road, not if you find the right criminal defense lawyer to help you. In time, you can get your license back, and with the right legal representation, you can often limit the legal consequences of your big mistake.
So when looking for the best DUI lawyers available, look for attorneys that show the compassion, understanding, and fair judgement that you deserve. Getting handcuffed and spending a night in jail might not make you feel very innocent, but this is America, which means you’re still innocent until proven guilty.