Divorce presents significant emotional challenges. There can be a lot going on in your head and in your life that make navigation of even the simplest of things a struggle. When the complications surrounding the way property and assets are to be divided up, as well as the balancing of different timelines and obligations, the situation can quickly devolve into a psychological quagmire. When you add kids to the equation, things get much more complicated. Hiring a divorce attorney when you have kids is a positive step toward avoiding a long list of problems unique to those who have children and are going through a divorce. It also helps check off some critical boxes that need to be addressed during any divorce proceedings.
You Don’t Want to Try to “Go It Alone”
Doing things on your own during divorce proceedings is more than just risky; it can be dangerous. When you have to make sure that your best interests are taken care of, more is at risk than just how you feel and the amount of money you end up with when the dust settles. There are auxiliary concerns that could have far-reaching impacts on your life after divorce. Some of these include spousal support, pension rights and tax issues. When you are, understandably, concerned for the welfare of your children, you may not have the mental bandwidth to juggle the complex arrangement of issues, tasks, and things to double check. For this reason, a lot of people choose to get a divorce lawyer. Whether you’re dealing with a custody hearing, child-custody laws, or regular family law, you will need the right law firm to step up and get you what you’re entitled to.
When you have kids involved, there is an extra layer of complexity to everything. For one, there is at least one extraneous party, the child or children, that need to be taken into consideration. For example, when you are figuring out how the divorce proceedings are going to affect your current and future cash flow, the expenses of your child or children need to be factored in as well. This may involve understanding the various custody possibilities and visitation arrangements you may be facing. A divorce lawyer can let you know what may or may not happen, and you can use this information to make wise decisions.
Protecting Your Parental Rights
When you have children, the preeminent thing on your mind is the child. This is a good thing. It’s a sign of a good parent. But this can also hinder the way you go about making decisions during the divorce process. Unfortunately, some well-meaning and very good parents have made the mistake of not getting things in order properly during a divorce. They could have hired a divorce lawyer, but instead, they tried to go it alone. This has resulted in not getting the custody they could have gotten if they had a person experienced in the law on their side. This is the kind of development that could have a long ripple effect down the road. It’s better to be safe than sorry. You may have an idea as to what your parental rights are, but you also have likely heard differing opinions from friends, loving relatives, or online. A divorce lawyer is going to be able to get you the information you need, and you can use that info to make a more sound decision. When your attorney has all he or she needs from you, they are then in a good position to fight for your parental rights. The ins and outs of the law can be tricky, so having a solid background is a gigantic asset.
Get True Understanding for a Divorce Lawyer
Divorces are messy, and even though an attorney may seem to be focused on handling logistics and paperwork, in reality he or she understands what you’re going through and cares about your wellbeing. Attorneys have seen multitudes of parents who have gone through a divorce. Each situation is different, but the emotional luggage people take on this trip is essentially the same: It’s filled with love, anxiety, and care for the children involved.
Hiring the right divorce attorney gives you the best chance to get what’s good for you and the children involved.