Driving is a convenient way to travel anywhere you wish to go, but it can be very dangerous, as well. Learning how to prevent truck, car and bicycle accidents can help make the road a safer place for everyone. Of course, each vehicle has different causes of accidents unique to their situation, but there are some steps drivers and cyclists can take to reduce the instances of accidents no matter what vehicle is in use.
- Stay alert – Whether you are driving an 18-wheeler, a compact car, or riding a bicycle, the most important thing to remember is to stay alert. Other drivers are unpredictable, and it is important to pay attention to your surroundings so that you have more time to react when something changes. Whether a car pulls out in front of you, someone opens a door in your path, or road conditions cause someone to brake unexpectedly, being observant will give you more time to react.
- Pay attention to road conditions – Snow, rain, and wind can all have enormous effects on how vehicles handle. Slow down, and give yourself plenty of room to stop in case your vehicle slides on ice or wet pavement. Truck accident attorneys recommend leaving extra room if driving or passing a truck, as they take longer to stop in general.
- Avoid substance abuse – Alcohol is a major factor in all automobile accidents, and is a leading cause of motorcycle accidents with fatalities. If you have been drinking, take a taxi home or ask a friend for a ride. Be sure to read the side effects of any medication you are taking, as well. Many over-the-counter cough treatments cause drowsiness, and driving after taking a dose can be dangerous for you and other drivers on the road.
- Obey the rules of the road – Bicycle accident lawyers, pedestrian accident lawyers, truck accident attorneys, insurance adjusters, and law enforcement professionals all agree that the easiest way to prevent accidents is to adhere to established traffic laws. Using your turn signals, following right-of-way guidelines, and stopping for red lights all let other drivers know what to expect, and allows them to make safe choices based on logical predictions of what you will be doing.
Safe driving is everyone’s responsibility, and if every person makes a conscious effort to drive safely, the roads will be a more welcoming place for drivers of all types.