Car accidents and other such motor vehicle accidents, like the truck accident, are hugely common here in the United States. In fact, it’s estimated that there are as many as 6 million motor vehicles accidents, from the car accident to the truck accident, over the course of just one year in this country alone. Unfortunately, from the car accident to the truck accident as many as three million injuries will occur – and such accidents will result in more than 30,000 deaths over that same span of time, a mere 12 months.
From the truck accident to the car accident, there are many preventable causes of motor vehicle accidents that lead to far more devastation and tragedy than is necessary. Take, for instance, driving while drunk. Drunk driving is a serious problem here in the United States, leading to many auto accidents all throughout the country – something that just about any car wreck attorney will be all too easily able to attest to. After all, the scope of the problem is so huge that it’s even been estimated that up to 300,000 people will get behind the wheel while drunk each and every day in this one country alone, let alone in many other countries that also have problems with driving while drunk all throughout the world.
Though so many people drive drunk on a daily basis, only around 4,000 of them are apprehended in that same span of time. This leaves the rest of such drivers to continue to pose a threat to everyone that they encounter, leading to a total of nearly 30 deaths a day that are caused directly from drunk driving. In addition to this, even more people are injured as a result of the choice to drive drunk, a new person sustaining injuries – some of them irrevocable and life changing if not hugely life threatening – every two minutes in an incident that is directly related to drunk driving as well.
In addition to this, driving while under the influence of substances other thank alcohol is a major cause of truck accidents and car accidents as well. In fact, such intoxication causes more than 15% of all car accidents and truck accidents and other such motor vehicle accidents seen throughout the United States over that same course of a year. There’s simply no denying that many a truck accident has been caused by the use of stimulants and other drugs and aside from the typical truck accident, so too have many car accidents originated in this country.
And as any truck accident attorney or car accident lawyer can attest to, driving while distracted is almost equally as dangerous as driving while intoxicated, if not even more so – depending on the scenario. In fact, being distracted while on the road and behind the wheel is easier now than it has ever been before, primarily thanks to the use of smart phones in our day to day lives. Almost everyone has a smart phone, and many people find it hard to get off of them even for the period of driving, which in turn puts many people on the road at risk – including the distracted drivers, the culprits themselves, as well.
The consequences of distracted driving can be clearly seen in the statistics that have been gathered on the subject in recent years. This data shows that the average distracted driver is more than 20 times more likely to crash when they are driving in this state. These crashes, much like any car crash or truck accident and the crashes associated with drunk driving, can lead to severe injury, severe property damage, or, worst of all, the death of one or more people.
The prevalence of everything from the truck accident to the car accident is high here in the United States and while some reasons for car accidents and truck accidents are difficult to prevent (such as in cases of severe and inclement weather), many very much can be. We must look at steps we can take to limit many of these tragic motor vehicle accidents and get compensation for victims.