Have you been involved in a car accident? Did you or the other driver sustain any injuries? Were either of your vehicles severely damaged?
After contacting your insurance company, the next item on your list should be to call a car accident attorney. If you’ve sustained an injury as a result of being in this accident, a car accident attorney will be able to assist you with the relevant legal issues. Furthermore, they will apprise you of your rights and responsibilities under the law and provide you with counsel through this difficult period of time.
If you believe that your actions or inactions didn’t cause the accident, and you are experiencing an issue with your insurance company or the other driver, your attorney will review available police and witness reports. They may also be able to access video taken by traffic cameras and review other relevant information. This can assist with determining who is responsible for personal injury.
Every year, approximately 6 million car accidents occur in the United States. As a result of these accidents, 3 million people sustain injuries. While many of these injuries may be minor, others may be life-altering and cause temporary or permanent disabilities.
Recent data from the United States Department of Justice shows that these are the most common personal injury cases:
- Motor vehicle accidents: 52%
- Medical malpractice: 15%
- Product liability: 5%
Rather than attempt to represent yourself after being involved in a car accident. it makes sense to have professional legal help for this type of situation. This is particularly the case if you’ve been seriously injured, lost time from work, and have medical bills.
When you’re not sure whether you have grounds for a personal injury case, your attorney will be able to determine this. If you’re entitled to a personal injury settlement because you’ve been a car accident victim, then your attorney will represent you through this process. It is likely that your attorney will inform you that 95% to 96% of these types of cases are settled out of court, or pretrial.