What Does it Cost to Hire a DUI lawyer? One of the most common questions people ask is how much is enough to pay for a DUI attorney. Well, prices for a DUI may range from a thousand dollars to a couple of thousands of dollars. Before one settles for a DUI attorney, one should ask the following questions.
There are some factors to consider when hiring a DUI attorney. How experienced are they? DUI attorneys that have more experience and have dealt with many cases will cost more than one that is just starting. This experience comes in handy in making the right choice for your case.
Will the case go to trial? One needs to consider whether the case goes to trial. DUIs have irreversibly altered people’s lives. It is important that you don’t just settle for bargaining a plea deal. When discussing the costs, ask whether it covers the hearing.
On average the prices for an experienced DUI lawyer range between 2500-3500 dollars. If the price has huge deviations from this, one needs to question the services they are getting. DUIs may end up being just a misdemeanor or cost one their rights to drive, job, and freedom. Don’t settle for the cheapest attorney, question what you are getting.