Many people dream about becoming lawyers. Some want to defend those who can’t defend themselves, some have strong feelings about social justice, and others want to work in a law firm they admire. However, the path to becoming a lawyer can be complicated because of the competition.
Prospective lawyers must first finish high school and get a high school diploma or a passing GED score. The second step for prospective lawyers is to obtain a college degree. To be admitted into any law school, candidates need to have a college degree from a recognized university. The third step for prospective lawyers is passing the LSAT (law school admission test). When ready to join law school, candidates should sign up for LSAC and take the LSAT.
The fourth step for prospective lawyers is admission. Most law schools check the applicant’s college GPA, LSAT, and ‘softs’ like extracurricular activities. Prospective lawyers should be sure to participate in many activities, such as sports teams or volunteering.
The fifth step for prospective lawyers is earning a JD (Juris Doctor). Prospective lawyers must take and pass the bar exam. The seventh step for prospective lawyers is passing the character and fitness test. Finally, prospective lawyers will take an oath in a court of law.