Every year there are 5.5 million motor vehicle accidents in the United States, resulting in three million injuries and 40,000 deaths. There are also 162,000 deaths resulting from injuries every year, and 31 million that are severe enough to require medical attention. Speaking of medical attention, 15% of the personal injury lawsuits that come to American courts are over medical malpractice. There are a lot of ways that you can be injured by the negligence of another person. The question is, how do you know when it’s time to speak with a lawyer?
Time to Speak With a Lawyer: When the Benefits Outweigh the Cost
Legal services do cost money, and if they didn’t they probably wouldn’t be worth anything! The question is whether or not a law firm’s professionals, with all the experience they bring to the table, can get you a better outcome than you could get on your own. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t shop around, though. Speak to several lawyers and compare costs. The most expensive lawyer might not necessarily be the best one for you. Experience in dealing with your type of case successfully is more important than the actual price the attorney is charging.
Time to Speak With a Lawyer: When the Situation Is Getting Complicated
Personal injury matters can be very complicated indeed. There are specific rules and regulations about filing claims, submitting evidence, and meeting the demands of court paperwork correctly. Even a small mistake could result in your case being thrown out. An accident attorney will be able to help you safely navigate these tricky waters.
Time to Speak With a Lawyer: When You Have to Speak to Insurers
Insurance companies can be difficult to talk with. At the end of the day, their best interests are very different from yours. They go into the case hoping to find a reason that their insured client was not at fault or that they are not liable to cover. In complicated accidents, there can be multiple parties involved and hence multiple insurance companies all try to dodge the proverbial bullet. All this is bad enough, but some insurance companies even engage in bad faith insurance tactics, deliberately trying to trick someone into saying just the thing they need to get them off the hook. An accident injury attorney is the right person to have on your side to help you know what and when to say something.
Time to Speak With a Lawyer: When You’ve Been Badly Hurt
If you’ve been very badly injured, you’re in no place to try to work on your own personal injury case. You need to concentrate on getting better, but you also need someone to fight for you so you can get the coverage for your medical needs and the compensation you deserve. A personal injury lawyer is the person you want taking up that fight on your behalf.
If you’ve been hurt and someone else’s negligence is to blame, don’t bear the cost the injury yourself or try to negotiate your own settlement. Get a professional with experience in dealing with courts and insurance companies to be your adviser and advocate at this difficult time.